About Us

McTypeface was founded with a simple idea: to make important topics easy to digest and fun to explore.

We dive into things that might be tricky to tackle, overlooked, or simply need a fresh spin. Since the world’s always evolving, definitive answers are hard to come by. Our aim is to provide contemporary, well-grounded information to help shape your thoughts and work out what is relevant to you!

Our content takes a unique approach to complex subjects. We’ve already published a coffee table book on innovative education, featuring over 300 images of schools doing things differently, with interviews and facts to show the results. We also offer a (Dutch) management book, written by an entrepreneur who shares how he grew his business globally with a playful tone and real-world insights.

Looking ahead, we’re excited to release a book on dyslexia for children and expanding our offerings into e-books, articles and podcasts to help people engage with the ideas that matter to them.